One of our readers made a complaint to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission about Dr Tan on Fri. 19 Oct. 2018 i.e. 10 days ago.
The facts of the matter are extremely simple.
From previous experiences of ourselves and others we’re almost prepared to bet readers any money they like that after many months, perhaps years, this complaint will be dismissed by the Commission, or, alternatively, it will be decided that investigations won’t be proceeded with – in other words, it’s quite OK for NSW Specialists to conduct themselves in this way and it’s too much for the people of NSW to expect anything better.
Of course, any decision by the Commission will be largely based on lies and misrepresentations made by Dr Tan in response to the complaint, which will be kept secret from our reader, so he can’t counter or respond to them in any way – which is the way Ms Dawson, the Commissioner, and her people work.
So, of course, Dr Tan will have the last laugh. And it means this Commission is doing more harm than good, (at HUGE expense to the taxpayers) – as a result of complaints being made to the HCCC, NSW health care providers are often finding that they can get away with more than they’d previously thought.
We promise to keep our readers advised as to the progress of this matter, with a report at least even fortnight.