Finding the best specialist doctors to deal with 4

An item on today’s Fin. Review webpage:-

So has anything changed with Comminsure?

As far as we’re concerned a very big change has happened – it now has an ordinary email address – (Found after searching pages and pages, full of large pictures of sexy people, on the internet.) We can now send emails to it as we do our homework to help us decide whether it is the best organisation to use for our health insurance.

To us the internet has made locating the best people and organisations to deal with, so much easier.

Firstly we have to find those who who may be able to help us who have an ordinary email address, (ignore those who don’t,) and then send them an email about one of our concerns, and the one that provides the best response gets our business! It’s that simple.

In particular, we have to avoid like the plague those who tell us something like, “Telephone us and our friendly staff will help you,” because it indicates that the person or the management of the organisation concerned just doesn’t care what rubbish you’re told over the telephone. At least, if you’ve got something in writing, and, as far as you’re concerned there are problems with it, you have something to take up with the person or the management of the organisation, and you can let others know how you got on.

As for those who only have fax numbers – words fail us!

And at least with those who have an email form, there is some chance that if you use it to send them something, if they reply, you will get an ordinary email address you can use. Of course, if they reply saying you have to use an email form again, as happens with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, (AHPRA,) you know that you are dealing with an organisation that’s totally despicable, with management that’s totally despicable, and that trying to deal with them will be a waste of your precious time.

It makes us laugh that, with all the Royal Commissions lately into the banks and insurance companies and so on, that the chances of there being a Royal Commission into the organisations that need them the most – like AHPRA and the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission that are supposed to be regulating our health care profession seem most unlikely. We’d LOVE to see a Royal Commission into the NSW HCCC! Fortunately, the modern means of communication have made it possible for us to protect ourselves better than Royal Commissions can – if we’re prepared to do some homework that’s not that hard.

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