These two comments appeared together on an update we received recently from The Australian.
They result from all the recent publicity about the findings that the big Banks and the AMPs etc. have been doing wrong things, and concerns that these things should have been brought to light better and sooner by the so called “watchdogs” and the fact that it may be that the watchdogs need far more looking into than the big Banks and the AMPs etc. because in many situations and industries in the world we live in, due to the complete and utter hopelessness of these watchdogs, CRIME PAYS – lying, cheating and being a crook pays better than doing the right thing.
There is no better example of this than the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, which is completely and utterly hopeless.
If you don’t believe us, just consider this – according to this article, the most recent figures from the HCCC itself, (later figures should be available in the next few days,) indicate that it receives nearly 180 complaints a month about Medical Practitioners, and, in a typical month finds that no more than about 1 or 2 haven’t done a very good job.
Can we repeat – the HCCC receives nearly 180 complaints a month about Medical Practitioners, and, in a typical month finds that no more than about 1 or 2 haven’t done a very good job. And these 1 or 2 are NEVER about what could be called “mainstream” doctors. And by the time a finding is made, as disclosed in one of their Media Releases, the conduct complained about always happened 2 or 3 years or more ago. And a lot of the time these 1 or 2 have given up practicing medicine anyway. (An extra 1 or 2 a month can be about doctors who have been found to have conducted themselves inappropriately in relation to drugs and/or sexual matters, which are not included.)
Readers can check these claims themselves doing searches on their Media Releases – we recently challenged one of our readers to do this and after a couple of days she came back with, “I’ve gone back 9 months. I can see what you mean.”
AND the only ones who can do anything about this are the politicians, and we have never been able to find any indication that any of them care – all the indications are that any complaints made to the politicians about this situation go straight into the trash.