Being on Low Dose Naltrexone 7

Further to this previous post.

We’re becoming more and more fascinated by the fact that someone could put this up on the internet – “Send us $10 and we will send you detailed instructions on a method whereby you can be on Low Dose Naltrexone, (being talked about as perhaps the most significant medical breakthrough in the history of mankind, perish more significant than the other four,) for less than 33 cents a day, without the involvement of doctors or pharmacists,” and they would hardly get a request.

It reminds us of the old saying, “People that need help are hard to help, people who need a lot of help are impossible to help, and those who need no help at all are easy to help.”

It also reminds us of the fact that, in the early days of Socialism, it was believed that there were thousands of people out there who just needed a “leg up,” and now there are more people who just need a “leg up” than ever.

More and more it seems to us that people are impossible to help.

To be honest, we don’t know much about this method ourselves, at this stage, but there doesn’t seem much to know – it seems that all that’s needed isĀ 50mg Naltrexone tablets that can be bought on the internet for $2.50 each – a FACT, and distilled water that can also be bought on the internet, it only costing you $10 for far more than you need – a FACT.

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