Dr Andrew James Brooks, Urologist 2

If you do a Google search on “Dr Andrew Brooks, Urologist, ratemds” a result comes up in which there are 5 ratings on Dr Brooks. You could hardly get ratings saying worse things about any doctor than are said about Dr Brooks, (and his staff,) in the three oldest. But then, of course, these are countered by 2 more recent ones suggesting that he may be amongst the very best doctors in the history of Christendom!!!

From these later ones we learn, of course, that anyone critical of Dr Brooks has “mental problems” – from no lesser authority than Dr Brooks himself.

And that, “He is also happy to give you his mobile and email which he responds promptly to,” when Dr Brooks himself has said that his email address, (which used to be on his website but has since been taken down,) is set up so that it “weeds out” any emails from patients so he doesn’t get them – see our previous post.

We have this theory that Dr Brooks has never responded to an email from anybody about anything in his whole life.

He has another  email address on the Sydney University websiteandrew.brooks@sydney.edu.au.

If any of our readers uses this address and gets a response, if they could send us the details, we’d be happy to share them with our other readers – we’ve tried many times ourselves. But if you are one of his patients, he may wish to claim that he’s got special permission from Sydney University to set up this address in the way too – so that emails from patients are “weeded out” and he doesn’t get them!

Email us at mail@medicalquestionsandanswers.net

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