We love these doctors who claim to to be interested in our feedback when they haven’t got an ordinary email address readily available or even an email form!!!???
Dr Singh is an example – he has a website with this on it:-
But with no ordinary email address readily available or email form???
Do the Dr Singh’s of this world think that we, the people, are entirely stupid?
We know in advance that with such people that no matter what, they would just want to be left alone, that they wouldn’t want to be held responsible for anything by anybody.
Would Dr Singh be amongst the best Ophthalmologists we could see? Who would know? But, in any case, unless doctors have an ordinary email address readily available, and some sort of track record of providing reasonable responses to reasonable emails sent to them, we don’t use them – if at all possible, and other things being equal.
As one doctor wrote to us recently, “Good doctors are good communicators.”
At the other end of the spectrum are so-called doctors like Dr Andrew Brooks, Urologist. When, some time ago, we complained to Elizabeth Coombs, the then NSW Privacy Commissioner, that Dr Brooks hadn’t responded to repeated emails sent to him, using the ordinary email address on his website, requesting copies of health records to which we were entitled by law, and she had written to him, Dr Brooks’ response was, “Oh, we didn’t get those emails. My email address is set up so that emails from patients are weeded out and I don’t get them!!!!!?????”
We note that Dr Brooks has since removed the ordinary email address that was on his website.
(Needless to say, Elizabeth Coombs response to Dr Brooks was – “Oh yes, Dr Brooks, that’s a perfectly understandable and acceptable excuse for you to have not responded to these requests!!!!!?????” How do they keeping finding people like Elizabeth Coombs?)