These are extracts from an article headed, “NSW healthcare complaints on the rise, system under ‘enormous pressure.’
They illustrate again how Mr Secord doesn’t seem to understand anything about anything – he seldom comments, but it seems that when he does he always comes up with rubbish.
What is meant by “wrap up investigations in a timely manner?” And complaints were “assessed.”
As was mentioned in a previous post:-
So that, if you make a complaint, in 99 cases out of 100 you will be told that you have nothing to complain about – would it make any real difference if you were told this a number of days quicker?
And in the few cases that it’s found that a doctor hasn’t done a very good job, usually 3 or 4 years have passed since the date when this occurred – would it make any real difference if it was 2 years instead of 3 or 4.
The fact is that the whole “system” needs a complete overhaul, which Mr Secord doesn’t seem to understand in any way – he just talks about the system needing to be “properly funded.”
It’s almost frightening that Mr Secord may one day become the NSW Minister for Health.