When the Police got involved, enough was discovered about the activities of one of this clinic’s senior Psychiatrists, a Dr Ong Ming Tan, over more than 5 years, for him to be sent to jail for 2 years. Yet, despite lots of indications otherwise, the clinic’s CEO, an Anne Mortimer, claimed that the clinic’s management had been unaware COMPLETELY of what was going on and couldn’t be blamed in any way!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
And when an email was sent to Ms Mortimer asking her to explain certain inconsistencies in what she’d had to say, an EXTREMELY SARCASTIC email came back from a Carmel Monaghan of Ramsay’s senior management saying that Ms Mortimer was far too busy looking after “incredibly vulnerable” patients to respond, and that “this will remain our priority for some time.”
Lots about this on the internet – all typical Ramsay stuff.
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