The NSW Health Care Complaints Commissioner in action 2

Over the years we’ve spent a fair bit of our precious time on posts about the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission.

If you send Sue Dawson, the NSW Health Care Complaints Commissioner, an email, as we have just done, on 25 Feb. 2020, part of the automated response you get is this.

That the Commission “acts to protect public health and safety by dealing with complaints about health service providers in NSW” is one of the claims that are always being made.

Our reason for working on and putting up these postsds is to try make people aware of the fact, (and it still seems that there are many who are still not aware of it,) that Ms Dawson and her people are completely and utterly ineffective in protecting their health and safety.

As we’ve mentioned, according to it’s own figures, the HCCC gets about 200 complaints a month about NSW Medical Practitioners alone, yet how many does it find have provided patients with less than satisfactory treatment in any particular month? – in terms of their own media releases, about one!!!?? The other 199 complainants are told they have nothing to complain about. And that one is never a prominent Medical Practioner, never an Associate Professor, for instance. And the findings are always based on treatments that were provided 3 to 5 years ago. And quite often the Medical Practioner concerned, at the time the complaint was being investigated, was no longer registered to practice medicine anyway.

What more is there left to say?

The fact is that NSW Medical Practitioners can almost get away with murder, literally, can do more damage to their patients than thugs in the street, with nothing ever happening to them – and no one knows this better than the Medical Practitioners themselves.

People, we’ve got to do our own research! It’s madness not to.

The only good news is that modern technology has made the carrying out of this research a hundred times easier than it’s ever been.

By the way, we’re not down on Medical Practioners in particular – the same can be said about just about every class of people we have to deal with in trying to live our lives successfully.

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