WebMD – dealing with

If we go to the WebMD website, by clicking onĀ www.webmd.com, one of the things we’ll be taken to is this.

What interests us most in this is this sentence – “We regret that we can’t give you medical advice or answer individual medical and pharmaceutical questions through email, but we hope you’ll find answers within our site.” Why? Because, to us, that’s exactly what we, the people, want most – answers to our individual medical and pharmaceutic questions through email!

WebMD, and other organisations like them, seem interested, very, in signing us up to receive their daily emails, in advertising various products, in promoting various articles, and so on and so on – but NOT in answering our individual medical and pharmaceutical questions through email???!!!

To us, arising out of all this is this question which has us absolutely fascinated – Why isn’t WebMD in the business of providing answers to individual medical and pharmaceutical questions, as well as all the other things they’re into?

Also, a GP once told us that, in his opinion, he was at his peak when he’d been a doctor for 3 years – because when he’d been a doctor for 3 years, he had 3 years of experience, but what he’d learnt in Med School was starting to be out of date. And that was 30 to 40 years ago, when knowledge on medical matters wasn’t advancing as quickly as it seems to be in 2020.

Another doctor told us once that he’d read that, on an average, it took 17 years for medical breakthroughs to become common medical practice!

And after at least 30 years during which Low Dose Naltrexone has been more and more talked about as one of the 5 most significant medical breakthroughs in human history, perhaps the most significant, despite extensive searching recently, we’ve only been able to find the names of 3 doctors in the whole of Australia who are advising on it and prescribing it – 2 in Queensland, and 1 on the south coast of NSW, more than 200 kms from Sydney.

We’ve been working on these things for nearly 12 years now, never worked so hard, and to us, the answer to these things has been becoming clearer and clearer – something which we were reluctant to accept at first – and that it that, we, the people, in general, are too slack in looking after our health. Even those in the Medical Profession are too slack in seeking out answers to their individual medical and pharmaceutical questions. In a word, providing the latest and best answers to medical and pharmaceutical questions doesn’t pay, isn’t a worthwhile occupation.

Readers, do you know of people – it has to be people, not organisations – anywhere in the whole wide world, this, when they can be anywhere in the whole wide world, and they can be keeping up-to-date themselves by constantly searching the internet, who are in the business of providing answers to individual medical and pharmaceutical questions by email, not the WebMDs of this world, who are into everything but this. If so, we’d love to know their details, for ourselves, and for sharing with other readers.

That, we, the people, in general, are like they are, is no reason why you and I should be like that.

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